Lymphatic drainage is a type of therapeutic massage that consists of applying gentle movements on specific areas of the body where the main lymph node areas of the lymphatic system are located, allowing them to activate when stimulated and help the body to eliminate retained liquids through urine. and toxins that prevent the patient who has undergone cosmetic surgery from having a prone and optimal recovery.
Lymphatic drainage is highly recommended in the different cosmetic surgeries, Liposuction, lipo transfer, bbl, tummy tuck among others, but it should be performed by a professional with knowledge and experience in the techniques that will be developed according to the case.
One of the ways to activate the lymph nodes naturally is to walk at least 20 minutes a day, after 2 or 3 days after the surgery and the inflammation and pain have improved a little.
If you have any questions about your recovery, do not hesitate to write to me.
Bodycontours Specialist in Postop.